quinta-feira, dezembro 24, 2009


Nasce mais uma vez,
Menino Deus!
Não faltes, que me faltas
Neste inverno gelado.
Nesce nu e sagrado
No meu poema,
Se não tens um presépio
Mais agasalhado.
Nasce e fica comigo
Até que eu, infiel, te denuncie
Aos Herodes do mundo.
Até que eu, incapaz
De me calar,
Devasse os versos e destrua a paz
Que agora sinto, só de te sonhar.

Miguel Torga
Coimbra, 24 de Dezembro de 1987

quarta-feira, junho 24, 2009

HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON: The Spiritual Dimension
(Margaret G. Hutchison,1997)

It would be very hard to find a nurse who saw only the physical aspect of care as that which defines nursing. We all know that when a person is hurting emotionally, all sorts of physical ailments crop up. On the other hand, physical conditions can affect the mind and spirit. The nursing profession has traditionally viewed the person as holistic, though the term itself was only introduced into the nursing literature in the 1980s by Rogers, Parse, Newman and others. Today we speak of a person as a biopsychosocial unit.

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